Acts 1:3-11.
It is interesting that the two places in the Bible where we have an account of Jesus’ going back to heaven is in the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts- interesting because they are written by the same author. The Gospel of Luke tells the story of Jesus’ time on earth and the Book of Acts is the sequel, telling the story of how Jesus’ followers continue his work in the world.
Forty days after he rose from the dead, Jesus ascended into heaven. The church commemorates that day as Ascension Thursday. (Since we do not meet on Thursday, we celebrate the following Sunday) Why does ascension matter? Well, the simple truth is, if Jesus did not return to the Father, the church would have simply continued to be a bunch of people following Jesus around watching him . It is only when the Jesus left us, that the church was able to become the church. As he said,” unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain, but if it dies it bears much fruit.”
In 2024, the Sunday after Ascension is also observed in the U.S.A. as Mother’s Day. How many of us who are part of the church are here because of the example and teaching of our mothers or grandmothers ? What, if any spiritual legacy have you received from your mother or a mothering figure in your life?
Join us in person or on YouTube or Facebook, as we look at the legacy of the Early Church Mothers, those women who were among the first Christians and carried out Jesus’ work after his Ascension.