Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery Rules and Regulations
Introduction and Legal Framework:
The following are the adopted rules and regulations for use of the cemetery on the property of Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church. The failure of certificate holders, funeral directors, burial contractors, memorial marker contractors or other persons to follow these rules may result in the denial of privileges to enter upon or conduct business on the church and cemetery grounds.
Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church will endeavor to maintain and continue operations as long as practical. Maintenance and operation are supported through the local congregation and is subject to the availability of funds. There currently are no long term funds dedicated to the cemetery. We are a member of The Greater New Jersey Conference of the United Methodist Church” (GNJ).and are therefore subject to their governance. The church’s building and properties may be closed or sold at the sole discretion of the GNJ.
Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church is a religious organization that owns a cemetery and to maintain its exempt status restricts burials or cremations to members of that religion or their families.
The Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery operates under the guidance and oversight of not only the Church but also in compliance with applicable regulations set forth by the United States Government, the State of New Jersey, and the Township of Middle.
Many of the cemetery’s records have been damaged or are incomplete. We are committed to administering the cemetery in a fair and reasonable manner but cannot promise to reserve particular locations. In the advent of a mistake, the sole remedy will be to provide a grave at another location subject to availability.
In addition to these rules, all activities, interments, and memorializations within the cemetery shall adhere to the relevant laws and regulations as detailed in the New Jersey Administrative Code, specifically referenced in Chapter 44J – Cemeteries, along with any federal and local ordinances applicable to cemetery operations. These include, but are not limited to, requirements for interments, maintenance, and the respectful treatment of gravesites and memorials.
Federal Regulations: As applicable to cemeteries and religious organizations.
State of New Jersey Regulations: As outlined in the New Jersey Administrative Code, Chapter 44J – Cemeteries, including requirements for maintenance, interment rights, and the operation of cemetery companies.
Township of Middle Ordinances: Local regulations and ordinances governing cemetery practices, public health and safety, and land use within the Township of Middle.
Rules for Interment
Permision for interment
A request for interment must come from a new jersey licensed funeral director. Interment is subject to the eligibility rules for religious cemetery owners, and all other rules contained in this document. The interment request shall include the interment fee, the designated burial contractor, the size and type of any permanent marker to be installed, and the proposed time and date of interment, intent to request to use the sanctuary for services, official presiding the funeral service, any special arrangement for clergy or music desired. A form for this request is provide in the appendix of this document.
Sufficient proof of ownership, church relationship, family membership and legal deposition of the body and cremains must be provided before permission is given. Eligibility shall be determined by the board of trustees.
All interments receive prior approval by the board of trustees of the Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church or its designated representative.
All interments must be performed under the direct supervision of a licensed funeral director who must be present on site from arrival of the body until the vault is closed
The licensed funeral director shall be solely responsible for obtaining and filing any legally required permits and documents to the appropriate authorities and shall provide copies of same to the Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church within the timelines dictated by any governing agency.
All grave openings must be performed by an approved licensed Contractor with proper insurance and performance record.
All burials shall require an airtight concrete vault approved by the board of trustees, except cremated remains may be buried in acceptable containers of durable watertight material approved by the Board of Trustees.
The times and days of internment shall not conflict with Church services and activity.
Burial is prohibited on Sundays, Good Friday, and Christmas and other days reserved for Church activity.
Use of the Sanctuary, Social Hall, kitchen, restrooms, equipment and utilities is not permitted without the prior approval of Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church.
The licensed funeral director must provide all documentation required by any agency required by law. Copies must be provided prior to approval of internment.
Establishing the right to burial under an existing certificate
Prior to making other funeral arrangements it is important to notify Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church as soon as possible of your intent to request burial at our cemetery. Best practice is to designate a specific person(s) to be buried when a cemetery certificate is purchased. It is also important to show the location and any other specific criteria mutually agreed upon at purchase.
In circumstances where a cemetery certificate does not identify the person to be buried the following criteria will be applied in the order to follow:
Rule 1: Priority of the Original Purchaser**
The individual named on the certificate as the original purchaser holds the primary right to designate the use of the plot. This includes the authority to specify individuals for burial in the plot either during their lifetime or through directives in their will or estate planning documents.
Rule 2: Submission of Designation or Claim**
In the absence of a direct designation by the original purchaser, family members or heirs wishing to claim the plot must submit a formal request. This request should clearly outline their relationship to the original purchaser and include necessary documentation to establish their claim, prioritizing the hierarchy established by the original purchaser’s directions, if available.
Rule 3: Implementation of Inheritance Hierarchy**
In situations where the original purchaser is deceased and has not made explicit designations, the following inheritance-based priority system applies for claims:
– **First Priority**: The surviving spouse of the original certificate holder.
– **Second Priority**: Biological and legally adopted children by the birth order.
– **Third Priority**: Parents of the original certificate holder.
– **Subsequent Priorities**: Siblings, followed by extended family in accordance with traditional inheritance rules, emphasizing proximity of blood relation or legal adoption status.
Rule 4: Verification and Documentation**
Claims will be verified against the provided documentation, with particular attention to any directives or designations made by the original purchaser. The cemetery administration will use the information at hand to follow the prioritization outlined above when no specific designation is available.
Rule 5: Resolution of Multiple Claims and Disputes**
In the event of multiple claims at the same priority level without a clear designation from the original purchaser, claims will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Disputes will be reviewed by the board of trusstees, with final decisions made in accordance with the principles outlined here and any documented wishes of the original purchaser.
Rule 6: Final Authorization and Process Completion**
Approval of claims will be communicated clearly to the claimant, who will then be authorized to proceed with burial arrangements. The cemetery may require further information or documentation to complete this process, always in respect to the original purchaser’s preferences.
Rule 7: Management of Unclaimed Plots**
Should a plot remain unclaimed or undesignated by any family member or heir within fifty years of purchase, the cemetery administration reserves the right to consider the plot for reassignment, ensuring all actions are taken in a manner that respects the presumed wishes of the original purchaser.
Clear Communication and Review
– These revised rules, centered around the authority of the original purchaser, will be communicated to potential claimants to ensure understanding and transparency. The internment fee shall accompany the request. The cemetery administration commits to handling each request with the utmost respect for the original purchaser’s intentions and the dignity of all involved.
Respectful Conduct and Materials Policy
Policy Statement:
Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church is committed to ensuring that our sacred grounds remain a place of respect, reflection, and peace for all visitors and loved ones who rest here. In keeping with this commitment, we require all guests, families, and staff to observe the highest standards of decorum and respect in their conduct and in the selection of materials they choose to place or leave within the cemetery.
Prohibited Materials:
To maintain the sanctity and aesthetic integrity of our cemetery, the placement or leaving of any materials considered to be offensive, inappropriate, or inconsistent with the dignified atmosphere of the cemetery is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
No flags other than the official flag of the United States of America, flown upright and off the ground, without alteration shall be permitted.
Items that contain offensive or derogatory language, nudity, imagery, or symbols.
Materials that are politically charged, controversial, or might incite discord.
Objects that could be perceived as threatening, harmful, or disrespectful to any individual or group.
Items related to alcohol or narcotics and items related to their use or abuse.
Cigarettes and Tobacco products and items related to their use.
Advertising or marketing materials not approved by the board of trustees.
Any form of litter or waste that detracts from the cemetery’s cleanliness and appearance.
Enforcement and Removal:
Cemetery staff will periodically monitor the grounds to ensure compliance with this policy. Materials found to violate these guidelines will be removed and disposed of without notice, and the responsible parties may be subject to further action, including being asked to leave the premises or facing restriction of visitation rights. The failure to do so does not imply the approval of the offensive objects nor a change in the policy.
Visitor Responsibility:
Visitors are encouraged to express their love and remembrance in ways that reflect respect for all who are laid to rest here and consideration for the feelings of other visitors. Should you have any questions about whether a particular item or material is appropriate, please consult with cemetery staff before placement.
Policy on Plant Materials:
To preserve the aesthetic integrity and ease of maintenance of our grounds, Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church restricts the planting of any materials, with the exception of turf grass and flowers, on gravesites and throughout the cemetery. This policy is designed to ensure uniformity, facilitate maintenance, reduce erosion, prevent damage to the property, and avoid the potential for invasive species that could disrupt the cemetery’s ecosystem.
The accidental damage or removal of plant materials during operations and maintenance of the cemetery is inevitable, Green Creek United Methodist Church assumes no responsibility for protection, maintenance, or replacement of landscaping or plant materials placed in the cemetery.
Permitted Plant Materials:
Flowers: Families and visitors are welcome to place fresh cut flowers or artificial flowers in suitable containers. Flowers should be well-maintained and free of pests and diseases. It is the responsibility of the individual placing the flowers to ensure they remain in a presentable condition and to remove them when they are no longer visually appealing or when they begin to deteriorate.
Prohibited Plant Materials:
Trees, Shrubs, and Bushes: Planting trees, shrubs, or bushes on or around gravesites is strictly prohibited.
Gardens: Creating personal gardens, including the planting of bulbs, seeds, or live plants other than flowers, is not allowed.
Invasive Species: Any plant material known to be invasive or harmful to the local ecosystem is expressly forbidden.
Maintenance and Removal:
Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church reserves the right to remove any plant materials, including flowers, that do not comply with this policy, are deemed unsightly, or pose a hazard or inconvenience to maintenance operations or other visitors. Removed items will be disposed of appropriately, and the cemetery will not be responsible for their replacement.
Access and Rights of Family Members
Policy on Access and Rights of Family Members:
Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church will endeavor to maintain and continue operations as long as practical. Maintenance and operation are supported through the local congregation and is subject to the availability of funds. There currently are no long term funds dedicated to the cemetery. We are a member of the The Greater New Jersey Conference of the United Methodist Church” (GNJ).and are therefore subject to their governance. The church’s building and properties may be closed or sold at the sole discretion of the GNJ.
Disinterment and Relocation
Policy on Disinterment and Relocation:
Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church will endeavor to cooperate with legally authorized and responsibly conducted disinterment and relocations whenever reasonably possible, for the purposes of reuniting loved ones, insertion of human cremains, investigation of a crime, or other reasonable accommodations. Disinterment for the purposes of searching and recovering objects, burying pets or pet cremains, scientific or prurient interest as determined by the board of trustees is prohibited.
All disinterments except those involving a court order or criminal investigations must receive the prior approved by the Board of Trustees.
Temporary disinterments for the purpose of reunification of cremains, recovery of objects must be pre approved by the Board of Trustees.
Permanent disinterments for the purposes of relocation or abandonment of burial privileges must include the removal of all markers and monuments, restoration of any damages.
All disinterments must be performed under the supervision of a licensed funeral director. The licensed funeral director shall be solely responsible for obtaining and filing any legally required permits and documents to the appropriate authorities and shall provide copies of same to the Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church within the timelines dictated by any governing agency.
All disinterments must be performed by an approved licensed Contractor with proper insurance and performance record.
The times and days of disinterment shall not conflict with Church services and activity.
Disinterment and related activities are prohibited on Sundays, Good Friday, and Christmas and other days reserved for Church activity.
Use of the Sanctuary, Social Hall, kitchen, restrooms, equipment, and utilities is not permitted without the prior approval of Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church.
The licensed funeral director must provide all follow up documentation required by any agency required by law within three business days. All available relevant documents must be provided prior to approval of disinternment.
Sale of Cemetery Certificates
Policy on Sales:
Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church is a religious organization and as such has duties and responsibilities that are not always consistent with its status as a cemetery operator. We operate the cemetery within the legally limited requirements under an exemption for religious cemeteries. To maintain that status, we must unfortunately deny some requests for internment or sale of a cemetery certificates.
As a religious organization that owns a cemetery, we are required by law to restrict burials or cremations to members of that religion or their families. Since the law does not include a precise definition of this criteria the board of trustees will determine qualifications for burial. Merely holding a certificate does not confer the right burial under the law.
Sale of Certificates
The sale of cemetery certificates will be conducted by the board of trustees of the Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church, subject to the rules governing religious organization cemeteries. The purchase of a cemetery certificate shall bind the purchaser to the rules as outlined in this document.
The current price of a grave shall be set by the board of trustees with the advice and consent of the administrative council.
All certificates shall be designated to the interment of a clearly defined individual by name and date of birth. Changing this designation requires the issuance of a new certificate under the terms of transfer of certificates.
Transfer of Cemetery Certificates
Cemetery certificates may be transferred with the permission of the board of trustees if such transfer is consistent with the rules regarding eligibility for interment. Sale of certificates between individuals without the consent of the board of trustees may result in the nullification of the certificate. Eligible transfers will be reflected by issuance of a new certificate, cancellation of the previous certificate for a cost of one tenth of the current cost a grave multiplied by the number of graves impacted.
Surrender of a cemetery certificate. A cemetery certificate may be surrendered under the following conditions;
Certain proof of ownership must be provided, including original certificates and their provenance to determine the rightful current owner.
All of the graves covered by the certificate must be unused.
The graves covered by the surrendered certificate must be practical for resale and use.
All markers, landscaping and alterations must be removed prior to surrender.
The certificate holder will not be refunded any amount in excess of the original purchase price stated on the certificate.
All surrenders a subject to availability of sufficient funds in the cemetery account.
The full text of definitions from the provided document “Chapter-44J-Cemeteries.pdf” regarding New Jersey cemetery regulations includes the following terms:
– **Act**: Refers to the New Jersey Cemetery Act 2003, N.J.S.A. 45:27-1 et seq.
– **Adornments**: Items placed on an interment space or niche on a temporary basis by the owner of the interment space or niche or by the cemetery company.
– **Annual endowed or special care**: Care or maintenance of an individual interment space provided for by agreement between the cemetery and the owner of the space.
– **Avenue**: A public way, street, or thoroughfare.
– **Board**: The New Jersey Cemetery Board.
– **Bulk sales**: The sale of 17 or more interment spaces or niches in a single transaction or series of transactions to any one membership or religious corporation or unincorporated association or society which provides interment spaces or niches solely for its members and their families.
– **Burial**: Disposition of human remains by placing them in a grave or crypt but does not include their temporary storage.
– **Burial right**: A right for the burial of human remains in a particular grave or crypt created by contract between a person and a cemetery.
– **Cemetery**: Any land or place used or dedicated for use for burial of human remains, cremation of human remains, or disposition of cremated human remains.
– **Cemetery company**: A person that owns, manages, operates, or controls a cemetery or crematory directly or indirectly but does not include a religious organization that owns a cemetery or crematory which restricts burials or cremations to members of that religion or their families unless the organization has obtained a certificate of authority for the cemetery or crematory.
– **Columbarium**: A building or structure containing niches for placement of cremated human remains.
– **Cremated human remains** or **cremains**: The recoverable bone fragments and container residue resulting from the process of cremation.
– **Cremation**: The process of reducing human remains to bone fragments through flame, heat, and vaporization and shall constitute the final disposition.
– **Crematory**: A structure containing cremation chambers used to cremate human remains.
– **Crypt**: An interment space in a mausoleum or other structure above or below ground which does not include a niche .
This comprehensive list of definitions is crucial for understanding the regulatory language and standards applied to cemetery operations and management within New Jersey.
Schedule of Fees and Charges
Purchase of a grave $750.00
Purchase of a grave by a member of the Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Chruch $500.00
Transfer Certificate Change of Ownership Name $100.00
Transfer Certificate Designation of person to be buried. $25.00
Transfer Certificate Abandonment of burial rights – Refund of original cost of purchase less any costs associated with abandonment.
Internment Fee $100.00
Use of the Church Sanctuary $250.00 plus musician’s and minister’s fees. Use of church organ and pianos by others is by advanced permission only.
Installation of Markers $25.00
Request for Interment
please complete and email to
A request for interment must come from a new jersey licensed funeral director. Interment is subject to the eligibility rules for religious cemetery owners, and all other rules contained in the Rules and Regulations of the Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery.
Name of the Licensed New Jersey Funeral Director, who will be present on site for the duration of the interment _________________________________________
Company Name ______________________________________________
Phone No ______________________________________________
Email ______________________________________________
Street Address ______________________________________________
City ______________________________________________
State, Zipcode ______________________________________________
Interment fee $100.00 payable to Green Creek Bethel United Methodist Church
Designated Burial Contractor ______________________________________________________
Phone __________________________ Email ____________________________________
Name of Person to be Interred _____________________________________________________
Cemetery Certificate # _______________ Date of Certificate __________________________
Name on Certificate______________________________________________________________
Proposed Date of Interment ______________________________________________________
Type of interment ___ Coffin and Concrete Vault ____ Cremains in approved container
Are you requesting to use the Church Sanctuary ______ Y/N (a $250 fee is required)
Who will preside at the service ___________________________________________________
How will the grave be permanently marked?_______________________________________
Please attach a photocopy of the cemetery certificate and any other documents