1 John 3:16-24
It is easy to say we Believe in Jesus. It’s easy to pray for God to meet people’s needs, but this sort of religion falls dramatically short of what Jesus himself embodied and what he taught his followers. Unless we are willing to obey Jesus, unless we are willing to follow his example and put “ the other” before ourselves, we cannot say we know him, but when we truly join our life with his, we abide in him and he abides in us.
In 1 John 3:16, the Elder asks the question, “How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses to help?” This is the question we will look at on Sunday, April 21.
“The best way to keep one’s vows to God and to do his will, is for each man while he lives to show love and do good for others.”- Leo Tolstoy