All Consuming Presence

Scripture Focus: Isaiah 6:1-8

Trinity Sunday, celebrated this year on May 26 , is the only day on the church calendar that is dedicated to a doctrine and not an event.

The question we will considering this week is “Does theology really matter and why?”

Of course it matters. How you see God effects how you see yourself, which in turn determines how you see others. If you see God as a God of wrath, a God who’s waiting to catch sinners in a misdeed, then you see every little mistake you make as proof of your unworthiness, and you see the world as an evil place.

If you see God as a God of love and grace and mercy. Then you see yourself, as one who is loved despite your faults, and this enables you to love others, despite their flaws and inadequacies.

This is because we are created in God’s image, and we are meant to reflect God to the world.

Our God is triune. This means we have one God, but with three facets: Creator (Father), Redeemer (Jesus the Son) and Sustainer (the Holy Spirit). Within the Trinity there is relationality, We see that in throughout the Gospel. God uses there’s three in one communion, to communicate. God’s loves for the world. The One who made us loves us. And so Jesus is set to demonstrate that love. And this spirit both confirms that love in our hearts and shows us how to live out that love in community.

To hear more, join us Sunday at 9:00 am, in person or via livestream on You Tube. A video of the Worship Service will also be posted on Facebook. Everyone is welcome.